The Consultant Orthodontist Group provides a forum for the support, guidance and education of those working in the the hospital orthodontic service to secure optimal care for patients.
- A large majority of the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in orthodontics is done by members of the Group.
- Specialist trainees are included in all the Group's activities.
Support and advice
Against a background of financial strain and continuing change in the purchasing and provision of healthcare, the group plays an important role in providing practical support and advice to members who experience difficulties in ensuring a continuation of quality hospital orthodontics because of financial and managerial pressures and decisions.
Advice to outside bodies
- The group provides advice to a range of outside bodies on all aspects of hospital orthodontics.
Contribution to British Orthodontic Society.
- The group plays a very active part in the activities of the B.O.S. to promote and advance good quality orthodontic care as a whole.