Constitution of the Orthodontic Specialists Group of the British Orthodontic Society
In the following Constitution unless the context otherwise requires:
“the Society” means the British Orthodontic Society”, “the BOS” means the British Orthodontic Society, “the Group” means the Orthodontic Specialist Group of the British Orthodontic Society, the “OSG” means the Orthodontic Specialists Group of the British Orthodontic Society, “the Committee” means the Committee of the Group, elected by members of the Group to conduct the business of the Group in accordance with the policies decided by the members thereof and entirely in accordance with the Constitution of the British Orthodontic Society. The Group will be bound by the Constitution of the British Orthodontic Society (BOS) and nothing in this Constitution will overrule the BOS Constitution.
The Group will be called the “Orthodontic Specialists Group of the British Orthodontic Society”.
- The Group will have devolved authority from the BOS Council within its own sphere of interest, which is Specialist Orthodontic Practice, to deal directly with matters which do not affect the interests of another Group or Groups of the British Orthodontic Society. Devolved authority will extend to matters affecting individual members of the Group such as terms of employment and contractual arrangements with Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), the Strategic Health Authority of the DPB, etc.
- The Group will conduct all correspondence under the full title as the Orthodontic Specialists Group of the British Orthodontic Society. All correspondence with outside bodies will be copied to the Chairman and Secretary of the Society.
- All matters concerning negotiation with national bodies will be referred to the Council of the British Orthodontic Society.
The objectives of the Group shall be:
- to uphold the objectives of the British Orthodontic Society
- to represent the interests of its members
- to convene meetings
- to issue information to members
- to publish material on the practice of orthodontics
- compile and maintain a list of Members
- Following the end of the transitional arrangements on 30th June 2000, the Orthodontic Specialist Group (formally the Specialist Practitioners Group, SPG) accepts membership from all orthodontic practitioners who are eligible to be on the GDC’s Orthodontic Specialist List The OSG is also home to those orthodontists who, prior to the end of the transitional arrangements, were members of the Specialist Practitioners Group. These members were engaged in orthodontic practice and held various postgraduate qualifications in orthodontics.
- A member, who ceases the practice of orthodontics, other than on retirement, shall be ineligible to renew his or her full Membership of the Group.
- Honorary Life Membership shall be granted at the discretion of the Committee.
- Election and Retention of Membership shall be by resolution of the Committee but will be subject to the final decision of the Council of the Society.
- Retired membership of the Group can, if requested, be given to any member over the age of 55 who is wholly retired from practice.
- The Committee shall have power to vary these requirements in exceptional cases.
- All Members shall receive notice of and may attend and speak at General Meetings of the Group and shall be entitled to vote.
- Any member may vote for direct elections from the Group to the Council and vote in elections for Group Officers and Committee members.
- A subscription shall be payable by each member on joining the Group and thereafter annually to the Treasurer of the British Orthodontic Society at a date determined by the Council of the Society: the amount to be decided by the Members of the Group at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Group will be free to generate income, for instance by holding meetings. Any subscription income remaining at the end of the financial year in excess of the Group’s financial requirements in the forthcoming year will be transferred to the British Orthodontic Society’s funds, except with the explicit agreement of the BOS Council.
The Officers of the Group shall be Members of the Group.
- The Chairman shall be elected by Postal Ballot of Members, for a period of one year and shall be eligible for election for a second and third consecutive year, but not for a subsequent year of office.
- The Honorary Secretary shall be elected by Postal Ballot of Members, for a period of one year and shall be eligible for election for a second, third, fourth and fifth consecutive year, but not for a subsequent year of office.
- The Honorary Treasurer shall be elected by Postal Ballot of Members, for a period of one year and shall be eligible for election for a second, third, fourth and fifth consecutive year, but not for a subsequent year of office.
- The Honorary Meetings Secretary shall be elected by Postal Ballot of Members, for a period of one year and shall be eligible for election for a second and third consecutive year, but not for a subsequent year of office.
- The Honorary Membership Secretary shall be elected by Postal Ballot of Members, for a period of one year and shall be eligible for election for a second and third consecutive year, but not for a subsequent year of office.
- These terms of office may be extended for one further year only in appropriate circumstances at the recommendation of the Committee.
- The Committee will comprise :
- The Officers of the Group.
- Six ordinary Members, who shall be Members of the Group, elected by Postal Ballot of Members, for a period of one year and shall be eligible for election for a second and third consecutive year, but not for a subsequent year of office.
- The affairs of the Group shall be conducted in the interests of and for the benefit of the Group by the Committee, which shall be empowered to act for the Group in all matters, subject to any policy direction or decision by the members of a General Meeting.
- The Committee’s actions and decisions shall be subject to review and confirmation by the Group provided always that any such decisions already effected shall not be invalidated by the Group.
- The Honorary Secretary, upon the written request of any four Members of the Committee shall convene a meeting of the Committee within six weeks of that request.
- The Honorary Secretary, or his deputy and four Committee Members shall form a quorum for the purpose of conducting Committee business. In the absence of the Chairman, the Committee shall appoint a Chairman for that meeting from the Members present.
- The Chairman of the Committee shall have a casting vote in the event of a tied decision.
- The Committee shall have power to co-opt Members of the Group to serve on the Committee, but they shall not have the power to vote on Committee decisions.
- The BOS Chairman, Secretary or a deputy will be ex-officio a member of the Committee.
- If a member of the Committee shall resign, die or otherwise vacate his office, the vacancy shall be filled by a postal ballot. The Committee may appoint an Acting Officer who may stand for election. In the event that a recent election was held for the office, the candidate with the second highest number of votes may, at the discretion of the Committee, be appointed to the office.
- On retirement, the Officers shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee for the following year, without the right to vote.
- The Officers and Ordinary members of the Committee shall be elected by Members of the Group by Postal Ballot.
- Any Member of the Group is eligible to stand for election as an Officer or Ordinary Member of the Committee and must express his agreement, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary. A short statement of the Member’s professional experience must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary not less than two months prior to the Annual General Meeting.
- The Honorary Secretary shall send off to all Members notice of the Annual General Meeting.
- The validity of the candidates shall be subject to scrutiny by the Committee.
- For each office, that candidate with the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected.
- For each Committee place, those candidates with the greatest number of votes shall be declared and elected.
- The Chairman of the Group will be a member of the BOS Council.
- The Committee will be solely responsible for the appointment of all other OSG representatives to the Council and Committees of the BOS.
- The Committee shall decide which of the representatives, if any, shall be directly elected by Members of the Group.
- Members who hold a Consultant contract may not stand for directly elected membership of the Council by OSG members and may not be appointed from the OSG Committee to serve on the Council. The Chairman of the OSG is exempted from this rule.
- The appointment of the Chairman of the General Orthodontic Services Committee will be made by the Council of the BOS in consultation with the Committee of the “OSG”.
- The appointment of any representative to the SAC (or equivalent body) shall be subject to the approval of the BOS Council.
- The Committee shall have power to convene General Meetings of the Group.
- No business shall be transacted at a General Meeting unless a quorum is present; fifty Members of the Group present in person shall be a quorum at a General Meeting.
- The Committee shall, on the written request of fifty or more members of the Group convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Group; notice of such a meeting shall be sent to all Members not less than four weeks before the meeting.
- The Committee may propose any resolution at a General Meeting of the Group.
- If any twenty-five Members of the Group give notice to the Honorary Secretary at least four weeks before a General Meeting that they wish to propose a resolution at the Meeting, that resolution shall be put to the General Meeting.
- The Constitution may be altered or rescinded by resolution of the Group at a General Meeting, subject to the provisions in rule 11 above, provided that the notice of the meeting specifies the proposals for alteration or rescission; and provided also that a resolution for altering or rescinding this Constitution shall be carried only if it is supported by at least twenty-five Members of the Group present and by at least two-thirds of those Members present and voting.
- Any alteration of the Constitution will require ratification by the BOS Council before taking effect.
- The Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting in accordance with the provision for the General Meetings in rule 11 above.
- Not more than fifteen months shall elapse between successive Annual General Meetings.
- The proceedings of the Annual General Meetings shall include:
- A Report by the Committee of the activities of the Group since the previous Annual General Meeting.
- An audited statement of accounts.
- Where the voting on any matter at a General Meeting of the Group results in a tie, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
- In any case of difference of opinion arising in the meaning of these rules, such meaning shall be decided by the Committee, or if the differences arise at a General Meeting, by the chairman thereof. Any such decision shall be recorded in the Minute Book and shall be accepted as the true meaning of the rule or rules in question, until otherwise interpreted at a General Meeting after due notice has been given.
29th June 2004