PAR scoring for NHS providers

This information is in the process of being updated in line with new contract regulations

What is required

It is now a statutory requirement of the new NHS orthodontic contract for all performers to monitor treatment outcomes for 20 cases plus 10% of the remainder of their caseload every year using the PAR index.

The new FP17(O), now in use on all cases from 1st April 2008, has a tick box to indicate if the case has received a PAR Assessment. It is believed that this will be used to help the DSD to decide which cases to monitor through PAR.

PAR measures the pre-treatment and the post-treatment study models. Measurements are taken on the models with a PAR ruler.The difference between the scores is the PAR improvement due to the treatment.

There are two ways to get your PAR index data:

Out of Practice PAR Assessments

If you want someone experienced and calibrated in PAR assessments to score your models, the BOS website has a list of calibrated PAR scorers and most laboratories offer a PAR scoring service.

Internal PAR Assessments

If you want to PAR score your own cases it is strongly recommended to attend a calibration course first, although this is not currently a mandatory requirement.

You will need a PAR ruler and an Occlusal Indices booklet/information which explains how to use the ruler and how to calculate the score using the score weightings. It also explains how to calculate the improvement due to your treatment.